Helpful articles

Why regular medical check-ups matter

Medical check-ups play a pivotal role in maintaining your general well-being and identifying potential health issues at an early stage. They are a powerful tool

How lifestyle affects fertility

Lifestyle plays a crucial role in determining both male and female fertility and the ability to conceive. Making positive changes to one’s lifestyle can significantly

NAD + perfusions

NAD+ (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) infusions have gained considerable attention in recent years due to their potential health benefits. NAD+ is a coenzyme involved in various

Endotest® (endometriosis diagnosis)

Early and accurate diagnosis of endometriosis in saliva Clinical information Endotest® allows the diagnosis of endometriosis with over 95% reliability. A patient’s saliva is analyzed

What can I eat after training?

In order to properly recover after a workout, you need to follow a few rules. EAT NO SOONER THAN 30-40 MINUTES AFTER YOUR WORKOUT Proper

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