Helpful articles

Herniated disc: alternatives to surgery

We operate less and less herniated discs. And soon, some promising techniques will take precedence over “classic” surgery. Laser “surgery”  This is the so-called nucleolysis-laser

The incredible benefits of curcuma

Curcuma, more commonly known as turmeric, may help treat a variety of different ailments. Healers have used the herb for medicinal purposes for more than

Diabetes is constantly increasing

Characterized by a permanent excess of sugar in the blood, diabetes can result from genetic and environmental factors acting in concert. Due to an incredible increase in

We received the Swiss anti-age label

We are very proud to have received the Swiss anti-age label. This label reflects all our efforts to offer our patients the best medicine available

Why is your sleep so important?

Try our sleep checkup for advise and recommendations! Acutally it is essential not to underestimate the importance of sleep. Sleep is the most important factor

Sleep Apnea – Polysomnography

What is sleep apnea? It is a very common sleep disorder, mostly in men. With this disorder, people snore in their sleep, and after sleeping,

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