Helpful articles

Obesity, when do you need surgery?

Obesity is one of the most pervasive, chronic diseases in need of new strategies for medical treatment and prevention.It is increasing around the world. High


Vitiligo is a pathology of the skin where melanin fades in some parts of the skin, causing the development of white depigmented spots. The cause


The Biochek blood and urine test is a tool for early diagnosis of pathological imbalances in the body. Timely diagnosis of metabolic imbalance, at the

Atopic dermatitis, what is it?

Atopic dermatitis (also called atopic eczema or neurodermatitis) is an inherited immune disease of the skin more and more common among the population. Although atopic

Oral & dental preventive checkup

The mouth is often perceived as a separate part of the human body. However, growing scientific evidence shows oral health is directly linked to overall

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